Monday 8 September 2014

Magickal Principle of Energy

As part of my rethinking and re-presentation of the generally accepted and used Laws of Magick in my Post No. 562 - A Rethinking of the ‘Laws’ of Magick, I proposed the Etheric Law of Existence, which encompasses Magickal Principle of Energy, as described in the extract below.

The Etheric Law of Existence is, in my view, a statement about the nature of reality. My view on Reality is: there is more to life than just the physical, there are also nonphysical components – not just concepts such as love, loyalty, truth, honesty, balance, maturity, spirituality, etc, but also the actual, factual existence of nonphysical realms, peoples and energies.
Scientists have not yet proven the existence of the nonphysical to general satisfaction, but there have been hints along the way – things that have been best summarised in Lyall Watson’s distinguished book “Supernature”, and other things like the possible proof of precognition I wrote about here (and have heard nothing about since) and the information at Victor Zammit’s website. I think they’ll get there eventually, maybe in a few hundred more years when they overcome the fundamental flaws and prejudices that have been marked their previous attempts (perhaps best illustrated by their attempts to experimentally determine the existence of an ether).
Under the Etheric Law of Existence we have two Principles: the Magickal Principle of Nonphysicality, and the Magickal Principle of Energy.
The first of these is restating the basic concept of the existence of the nonphysical as a Principle: the second of these flows from that, and gets into what is directly manipulated in Magickal Practice – Magickal Energy.
To quite some extent, this Law and its Principles are ‘stating the obvious’, but I consider that doing so is worthwhile - and is something that is implied, but not specifically stated, by anything I’ve read previously. That’s a bit odd, given how fundamental this is.

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